Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Always Fun

I must say, that I love when babies start solids!  It's so much fun and creates some fun moments!  Sawyer has taken to solids fairly well.  His favorite is squash; and he actually isn't a huge fan of fruit yet!  Who knows, maybe that'll change :).  My next goal is to make a lot of homemade baby food and freeze it.  I was so on top of that when Jackson was small, but it's just harder to find the time to do it all!  Maybe when Trev is home, we can dedicate a couple hours to it!

He just keeps getting cuter and cuter!!!

I am told that know one can make him laugh like I can...I think it must be because I must have the funniest face ;)!

PS.  This is my favorite bib that Jackson actually got for his first Christmas from Auntie Lesley and Uncle Lee...hope we can add maybe two more to the collection!

1 comment:

  1. Yum yum mister. Good job on the solids. Dada is proud.
