Thursday, November 7, 2013

Trick or Treat

It was a lot of fun having Trev home for Halloween this year!  He was pretty excited.  He even threw together a costume for himself...complete with lights and noise!  A hit all around!  The boys did awesome.  Sawyer made it through a couple crescents and then Jackson and Trev went out for a bit longer after leaving Sawyer back at the house.  We got 32 ish kids - which is a step up from the 7 last year - still I want MORE!  Too many people take their kids to the malls - I want to see the costumes!  Part of the memories growing up trick or treating was braving the cold!  Going home to warm up and empty your bag and going back out again!  The boys looked adorable in their robot costumes.  Many thought I made them - oh how I wish I had that sort of talent!

I made the boys special ghost pancakes for breakfast!  Yum.  When Jackson finished his pancakes and asked for more, I put normal pancakes on his plate.  Oh the look I got!

And then off the boys went!...
This may be one of my favorite photos.  Just so cute.  'Oh bother'!


  1. Must say I love our tradition of making special pancakes for special days!
    Thanks family for making my first halloween at home so special!


  2. Love those robot boys of yours! So cute!!!!!

  3. Jackson and Sawyer,

    You have a GREAT Mamma and Dada! You're so lucky and you should keep 'em!! ;)

    Auntie Cole
