Thursday, November 7, 2013

August 31 - Annihilation Night

Sadly Trevor was away at work, but I couldn't pass up taking the boys to Annihilation Night at the races!  I was actually super nervous to take them on my own (Correction - with the Potters), but it all went super well and again breaking bed time for loud vehicles and monster truck rides was well worth it!!!  Don't be fooled by the smiles - these boys had NO FUN watching school buses race, cranes dropping cars, jet engines blow fire, or going on a monster truck ride (just to name a few) - YUP, no fun at all!!!


1 comment:

  1. Good on ya for talking the boys and pushing bed time to the limit. If Sawyer could talk more I'm sure he'd recall stuff from the evening, Jackson still talks about the "bumpy bumpy monster truck ride" as he guestures with his hands.

