Thursday, November 7, 2013

Jackson's the proud owner of a...

.......library card!  

And he loves it!  It's become a monthly visit that we do to get more books (or tractor movies - I'm telling you - he has TRACTOR RADAR!).

I must say this was a proud moment for me.  He answered almost all the questions for the gentleman when they were signing him up.  He wanted Chicka Chicka Boom Boom and went and asked the gentleman 'Excuse me, do you have Chicka Boom Boom?!'.  Yes, my kids say excure me and please and thank you.  This seems to surprise a lot of people when are out and about...which makes me very sad.  Is manners a dying trend.  I certainly hope not.  

His favorite part is scanning the books out at the station.  He is thrilled every time!

1 comment:

  1. I have to say that with our boys books have got to be in their top 5 if not top 3 favorites. Of course tractors/trucks and duplo blocks are #1 and #2. Can you really say no to a little boy with a book trying to climb up on your knee?
