Thursday, November 7, 2013

First Snowfall

These two were thrilled with the first snowfall this year!

It's fun now, I'm sure the novelty will wear off in about four months - for all of us! Haha.

 Can you taste the hot cocoa that was enjoyed after this!?  Complete with Halloween marshmallows!

I think that I'm almost caught up on here!  Can you believe that?!  I can't.  I've spent about four hours working on it today - so I hope that SOMEONE out there is able to appreciate the effort!  Now to stay on top of it!


  1. Looking forward to street hockey and sledding this winter!

    Well I'm all caught up commenting! Thanks for all the great new posts babe!!!!! XOXOXOXOXOX

  2. It was like Christmas morning seeing all these posts! And ending with the snowfall pictures just seemed fitting!! Thank you Kristy for continuing with this. I know you are busy and I'm not sure how you do it all! I know this blog is for you and Trevor, but I do check it all the time. I am honored that I get little texted (??) pics from you and am included in your everyday adventures but there is just something about seeing it put all together that is so exciting to me. Nice work and THANK YOU THANK YOU!!

    Love you,

  3. I'm with Nicole! SOME of us have been waiting for pics of your lovely boys and are happy to see them!!! :-) Thank you from me too. I needed a pick-me-up and their sweet smiled always do it!
