Thursday, November 7, 2013

Holy Crap

I have fallen so far behind on the blog that it became intimidating for me to even start writing again.

Where do I start?
How do I document everything?
Do people even look anymore?
What if I'm out of order? 

So many question and concerns have kept me from jumping back into it until I decided that I just don't care.  This blog, believe it or not, is more for me and Trevor and our own little family nutshell than anything else.  It's our lives.  It's our scrapbook.  So what if I have fallen behind.  It happens.  I miss blogging.  I definitely miss having things documented.  So, here I am.  I'm back.

I am going to try to manage my time a bit better.  Work have become so busy that I have to start to remember that it's okay to not put work first - every. single. night.  Afterall, Kristen J. Photography was started so that I could be home and enjoy my family.  If I'm this far behind, something's gotta give!  Here I am, logged in, babbling away wondering - where do I start!?

The next several posts will be my attempt to catch up on our lives!

Enjoy :)

1 comment:

  1. Hot dog! It's like Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can be a witness for how busy you really have been. I'm still waiting for you to post the pic I took of you late at night in bed, computer on your lap doing edits plus cell phone in the other hand. Do people really even know or appreciate the amount of Kristy time that goes into polishing their photos so that you are happy with the end product and they are happy?
