Thursday, November 7, 2013

Poor Sawyer

Just when we got rid of Sawyer's one scab on his face, and then he had another mis-step.  This one was weird.  I was gathering boys to take Jackson to preschool.  Jackson fell on the driveway.  I was kissing his hands better when I heard the tears of number two from behind me.  Holding his own hands up, I kissed them better and he settled fairly quickly.  I got them both in the car and shoulder checked to back out of the garage and almost pooped myself when I saw Sawyer's face!  You see, I always pick him up on my left hip...visually seeing the right side of his face.  He is in the right side of the car, so when I buckled him in, again, I only saw the right side of his face.  So when I saw the left side I slammed on the breaks and flew to the back!  He was totally calm.  I had assumed only his hands had been hurt like Mooses.  But nope, we had another fresh scab to contend with.  Was awesome dropping Moose off and getting the constant 'Ohhhhh' from all the parents as his face truly was still oozing.  Yum-my.  Poor buddy.  I'm starting to think that having scabs, bumps, bruises, and war wounds is just part of being a boy!  

This is what I saw as I shoulder checked...
 ...I immediately took a pic to text to Trev with a 'you're not going to believe this' slogan.  We had just talked about how his other scab had finally gone away!  Oi.

But, like most wounds....with healed!

And this is the cutey patootey yesterday, so it just goes to show, they heal quickly (not as quickly as I'd like, but common, they aren't super heros!)...

1 comment:

  1. Poor guy. New shoes (and being new to shoes) and a growing boy don't make a good pair.

