Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Baby Boutiques, Teethers, and New Hair!

First, he stared at it...
But it didn't take long for it to make it's way to his mouth!

 There is this new Baby Boutique on the South Side here that I have a huge love for!  It's a young couple who decided to run their own business, and I love supporting things like that!  They are just off Ellerslie Road, so too close for comfort for my bank account!  

Anywhos...I went in there yesterday morning to pick up ONE thing, and ended up leaving with a few.  Including this teether.  I don't know what possessed me to buy it...but I'm so glad I did!  Jackson's other teethers have hard plastic on them and they are much bigger (thicker).  This one he immediately wrapped both his hands all the way around and started exploring all the different textures.  I'm pretty sure it kept him occupied for at least 20 minutes!  

More excitedly than the teether in these photos is his hair!  You can now clearly see it has come in.  It is fine and at times very blonde or a bit darker and even a bit redder depending on the time of day (and maybe who is looking at it!!)


  1. He looks so different in these pictures.

  2. Darn, I was hoping you wouldn't find that shop at least till after Christmas! I was thought that would be the place I would find a unique gift for the little man! What now?? Haha I already have a different idea (I hope it works out!)


    PS I miss you Jackson!!
