Friday, September 9, 2011

Delayed Park Post

So I'm going to start this post by saying I'M BARELY HANGING ON!  I am so exhausted.  It feels like Trevor has been gone for an eternity.  It's too hot for my blood.  I've had a photoshoot the past two nights and a wedding to shoot tomorrow.  And I do not get as much rest as I'd really like!  Now that I've said are some photos from Tuesday when we went to the park with Kim and Anna.  Basically a long hot walk there to pretty much turn around and come home because it was pretty hot for Moose...(and me!).

 THANK GOD TREVOR COMES HOME SUNDAY.  It's just so disappointing its only for a few days.

1 comment:

  1. Two more sleeps family!! I miss you and love you.

