Monday, September 27, 2010

Second Round of Shots - Complete

Today Jackson got his four month immunizations and it sucked.  I hate hearing him cry!  Trevor stayed in the room with him while I waited in the waiting room...still heard him cry though.  I was able to give him his bottle and he cuddled in and fell asleep on top of me.  Mmmmmmm...I love him!  He had a pretty good day considering he had his immunizations this morning!

This was him sleeping when we got home...he was so very tired.

He weighed in at 17 pounds, 12 ounces!
He is now 25 inches tall!

He is my little moose and is sporting 6-12 month clothing now!

1 comment:

  1. Holy smokes Jackson I'm thinking your going to surpass Callum pretty quickly as he is only 23 pounds at 18 months - YIKES better start feeding him what your eating:)
