Wednesday, September 8, 2010


So today was my first day of the Moms Network through Capital Health.  I was really hoping that I would meet some moms from my neighborhood...but I was the only one who lived in Langdale or even Windermere for that matter.  It was also the second week and so I'm joining in a week after everyone else; many moms have either known each other prior to the group or formed relationships during the meet and greet last week.  Todays topic was about feeding your baby solids.  It was informative.  

I REALLY like the Health Centre because their nurses are very much open to each baby and situation being different and unique and working on their own time line...unlike the family doctor who is completely text book.  

Anyways...since Jackson has been born, the doctor has been counting his age based on weeks (every four weeks he ages another month), so that is the rule of thumb I have been following as well (yes, I know there isn't always four weeks in a month).  Apparently, every one does this differently and today I felt like I left group not knowing how old Jackson really is!!!  He will be 16 weeks on Friday, so according to my doctor, he will be four months old (and she has scheduled his four month check up for Monday).  However, some of the moms at the group today looked at me like I had eight heads...and they count their baby's age by the day of their birth (so Jackson wouldn't be four months until September 21...the other side of that is there isn't always 31 days in a month, so what about the 31st babies?!).  Anyways...I felt like a complete dummy today.  I am going to ask my doctor on Monday.  I've been reading online and everyone seems to do their own thing...some go by the four week intervals, others by the birth date, others count in weeks for the whole first freaking year!  Could you imagine...'my son is 47 weeks old!?'?  Not going to happen!  My mom makes me feel like a dummy too and is on the 'I just count it from the 21st' bandwagon, which is frustrating because it is opposite of what I have been doing.  I might just have to convert over to the 21st bandwagon side.  It seems like such a simple thing, so why am I so confused!?!

All in all, Jackson will be 16 weeks on Friday, whatever that now means! 

I have another moms group tomorrow called Mommy Connections which is completely independently run and has completely different topics than the one from today.  I'm hoping that there will be more moms from my neighborhood and that it goes better than today!  I am at least starting the group the first week, so I have that on my side!!!

One more sleep.

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