Saturday, August 14, 2010

What a Day...

This morning we went out as a family to scrummage up some breakie!  We took Kia, so our options were limited!  We were practicing with the wrap in our room before we left so I could get him in it once we got downtown.  Needless to say, Jackson loved it - and was sleeping away.  I didn't want to take him out and put him in his car seat - but safety first!!  I think after some more practice, this may be the way I carry him in the airport and on the plane in a couple weeks.  He is quite cozy and it is comfortable for me too!


Today was the Wedding of Ms. Stephanie and Mr. Richard.  The ceremony was at 2 pm in Lake Louise.  It was a bit stressful as there was construction almost the whole freaking way there.  It took us over an hour to get there.  We were minutes away from the start of the ceremony and weren't able to find a place to park and didn't want to park far away and have to hustle with the baby, bags, heels, etc.!  So, we opted to pay for stupid underground parking (which ended up being non-underground) and we ran to the ceremony (I had to make a pit stop at the bathroom and I literally did RUN without my shoes on to the ceremony room!).  We settled into our seats, breathed a sigh of relief, and made it just in time to hear the announcement that they were postponing the ceremony to allow people to find their ways in.  Grrrr.

Jackson did well, he slept for the beginning of the ceremony, but his belly woke him up part way through.  I took him to the back, and it was all fine.  His belly got full, and they got married!  It's such a different ball game planning to go to these types of functions with a baby vs. before!  We planned his feed, nap, etc to sync with the ceremony - so when that was delayed - it threw us off.  We made it through though and Steph looked beautiful!  It was a nice, short ceremony.

After that, we went back to our room.  We were sooo tired.  It wasn't a lot of time to do much else other than hang out and wait.  We got stuck in the same stupid construction on the way back too.  Boo to construction.  We got ready to go to the dinner, we skipped the cocktails and planned to show up right before dinner/arrival of bridal party.  Well, that would have been a great plan IF we could have found parking.  Again, so frustrating.  At this point, I'm pretty sure we were a sliver away from packing it in, and we both looked at each other and said 'I want to go home'.  We toughed it out though...opted to use the stroller and burned over to the hotel.  We got settled in, looked at our clock - and we were there like 2 minutes before the golden 6 pm dinner time (bellies waiting!)!  Well, all the rushing and bustling around was again all for not as the bridal party got stuck in the construction traffic and they didn't arrive until after 7!  (This led to the same bottle/nap/baby schedule troubles as before!).  It all just goes to show you that you really just CAN'T PLAN when you have a baby!!  Just roll with the punches and go with the flow.  We had a nice visit with the family at our table, but unfortunately left after dinner, which made us feel crappy for dining and dashing; but with the baby, the delays, and the dog waiting at the hotel - we just couldn't hang in there any longer.  We were beat and Jackson was starting to get mildly fussy (which feels a lot worse at a function like a wedding for the parents!  We actually had people commenting on how good he was and we looked at each other and were like 'this is an off time - he usually is more easy going!'  I think we are so blessed with him and his temperament!).  

I believe our little dude is starting to teeth!  He is drooling, which is new for him, his cheeks were redder today, he was struggling with some of his bottles, and his tooth bud impressions are definitely showing through the front of his gums!  Good thing I bought orajel and infant tylenol already.  Man, he's so speedy - somebody needs to tell him he is just a little boy!  

Awaiting the arrival of bridal party...

(I was so jealous of this little cat nap!!)

Then, on the way to the truck after we left I had to quickly take these photos as I really felt like he just looked so different!  It's like he just changed right before my was so crazy!

I think maybe he just looked a bit older...I'm not sure, he just had sooo much personality!  Maybe I was just having a tired, delusional moment!!  Or, maybe he truly is just growing in front of my eyes!


Congratulations Richard and Stephanie!  So happy you two had a wonderful day.  I hope you party all night long and enjoy your honeymoon!  All the stress and hiccups are over - enjoy married life!!  

Thanks for the wonderful dinner!

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