Sunday, May 16, 2010

Playtime in the Sun!

Like I mentioned, Kia and I had some fun playing frisbee in the backyard yesterday!  Some of our trees were starting to leaf, and we even have our first flower!  It's exciting to see everything bloom because we had the landscaping done right when winter hit last year, so we didn't get to see it much...

This is both Trevor and my favorite tree.  We love the golden color of the bark.  Can't remember what it's called - but wish we planted more of them!

Our first flower!!

She got tired of playing and went and laid in the shade...I think she likes the yard...more room to run!

Happy and tired!  Just the way I like her!  She slept all night!

So because I did so many updates in such a short amount of time, some of them were bumped to the next if you are catching yourselves up...don't forget to click on "older posts" at the end of the site to catch the rest of the updates!  Serves me right for procrastinating!

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