Wednesday, February 15, 2012

This and That!

Jackson has been so interesting lately!  He gets soooo much of what's going on and is now able to start verbalizing it.  It catches me by surprise often!  This morning, we were on our way downstairs...and he was saying 'eat' 'eat' 'eat' with every step we took.  He usually does the sign language sign for eat!  His words are new every day.  The other day while at Michaels looking at yarn, he said 'purple' while Caitlin and I were discussing colors.  Two nights ago when we were getting ready for bath, he pointed at the toilet and said 'pee'.  We sat him on it...and he didn't pee...but I think he's getting closer to understanding more.  I'm not planning on even attempting potty training until his baby brother gets here!  Yesterday we went and visited my grandparents and I said something to my Grandma and he said 'Grandma'.

He has also been a HUGE help lately and totally understands simple tasks.  Get me this, take this person that, those kinds of things.  He now likes helping out by putting his laundry in his hamper after we change him.  This morning, I asked him to put a used baggie in the garbage for he happily did so.  Then I heard a crashing spill in the living room and turned to see him emptying his baggie full of alphabet numbers for his magnet toy (we keep them there to keep them together) and running to throw that baggie in the garbage!  Haha.  It made me laugh!  I love him!

This is a little glimpse of what I caught him doing at breakfast this morning...

He would eat his cereal...and then drink some!

 After his gulps...he would make his satisfied "ahhhh" sound! 

He's also been a jabber mouth lately.  Babbling away.  I am able to pick up some words here or there, but mostly it's still nonesense to me!  He's sure trying hard though!

Then we played our label the body parts oldie but a goodie!

Teeth (a new favorite)
Head and Hair!  It looks the same :)
 He is sooooooo interesting lately!  I love seeing what he's going to come up with each day!

When I put my sunglasses on in the car...he starts pointing at them and saying 'eyes eyes eyes' and pointing at himself until I give him his sunglasses...then he loves putting them on!


  1. So cute! I love the updates! His shiner looks a lot better in the last couple of posts! I'll have to come visit soon. I've been kinda leaving you alone while go through all of the reno craziness!!


  2. Good job using your new words mister. Dada is very proud of you. Keep it up.

    Thanks for the post! XOXOXOXO
