Monday, February 13, 2012

Moose & His Big Boy Room :)

It's official - Moose is now the new occupant of his new room!  I cried moving all his stuff over.  It's was a hard move for ME!  

To make it worse, the first night we tried him in there, he played for a bit, laid down, and then sat up five minutes later crying...when we went and got him, he threw up...and when we put him down after that he cried - A LOT.  I thought it was the room.  I thought it was the change...the transition.  I thought I had ruined his life!  But, then I went in, cuddled and brought milk to his now-empty stomach...and he passed out within seconds of putting him down and didn't make a peep until he woke after 8 am.  This helped heal my heart.  In fact, he hasn't made any fuss or peep since then...and has slept well in his new room!  I find him sitting and reading in there often.  When we say 'lets change your bum', he goes into his new room and lays on the floor.  Yay for Moose!  I hope this continues to go well.  In the mean time, I am anxiously and impatiently awaiting his dresser as he loves playing with all the buttons on his music player...and it drives me bananas - as do the blue jeans and socks laying in the basket on the floor!  I hear by the end of the week!  Here's to hoping!  

On a side note, if any good sewers are reading this and feel the need to cut down that black out shade so it fits nicely behind the blinds...I would be forever indebted ;)

We moved over all his clothes (which involved A LOT of packing away of too small clothes - so sad!)

Everything was moved over that belonged to Moosey...Ginger, humidifier, music, blackout blind...even his old sheet - which I'll switch out in the next little while :)

On a side note...we are sadly missing Dada who is now working overtime for the next three shifts (if baby stays in long enough!).  He leaves Monday nights instead of Thursday afternoons...which means he is only home from Thursday afternoon to Monday night...not NEARLY long enough for us.  We are all sad.  It's hard to say goodbye.  I know Jackson will say 'Dada' when he wakes up tomorrow, and I hate that I have to tell him that Dada is at work already.  Hoping it goes quickly and well.  

1 comment:

  1. Hurray for moosey in his big boy room!!

    Miss you family.

