Monday, February 20, 2012

So Behind

I'm soooo behind on updating...I know.  Truth is, the past few days have been really rough.  I've not been feeling well at all.  Not a cold or anything...just not right.  VERY SORE, quite dizzy and lightheaded, lots of Braxton Hicks, and so very very tired.  On top of that, we have Trev working overtime, house renos, photoshoots, Moosey-pie, and the regular day to day house work.  I have great moments and I have moments where I can barely move.  It's a reminder.  A reminder to slow down.  A reminder that our worlds will be changing soon.  A reminder that sometimes the body just can't take it all!  I am trying to listen - I promise!  I better have a few pregnant weeks left!

I will post an update about the basement tonight...and then on Moose's room tomorrow (the dresser is in and his room looks awesome!).  My dad and Caitlin have been so helpful in working on some of the basement tasks this weekend.  They got some doors on :)  What a difference!  Looooove it!

The bathroom is coming along.  A few hang ups sadly, but we'll get there.  The tub surround didn't fit, so we have to get one custom made, and I've brought home a couple different toilet seats now - and nothing ridiculous!  Why do toilets not come with toilet seats?!  I'm also dying for Trev to come home and hang the darn light box so we can put up the light and mirror :)  It's all coming together - that's for sure!
Today's progress was getting the doors up, handles on, and casing around.  WHAT A DIFFERENCE!  My dad is kinda a sweet heart for toughing it out and doing the casing for me...he's so tired and sore...and I feel horrible that nothing seems to work out the first time around!
It makes such a difference.  The basement feels more complete...less awkwardly open.  I was very excited to see them up!
The studio door is coming too...We are using the door that used to separate the basement from the house before we developed down here and tore down that wall.  We thought we'd be able to reuse sadly we are learning that because the door was close to the wall - the casing and mouldings around aren't actually the same/right size.  Crappy.  It is a work in progress as we think of what to do...but having a door on the studio is great nonetheless. 
Last time Trev was home, he was eager to make his most exciting purchase for the basement...his TV.  We had some help hanging it, and it works...mostly...a couple things need adjusting but at least we can hang out down here.  Next step will be the speakers, etc, to go with it.  One step at a time, right?!
Oh, and this is Moose.  Captain Helpful.  Mr. Curiosity.  He is a good boy and has been so well-behaved with all the random nonsense that sometimes exists down here.
His art easle gets used DAILY and often has lovely pictures like this on it!  I LOVE it!  I love that he can color when he wants!  The other day he accidentally broke a piece of chalk and ran right to his Auntie asking for her 'help'.  He was so sad it broke.  He doesn't (knock on wood) even attempt to draw on walls or anywhere else he shouldn't.  I hope that behavior sticks, but you never know!
 I love progress.  Every day something else gets done  and - big or small - it makes a HUGE difference to it all.  Thank you EVERYONE who has pitched in helping in one form or another, whether it's with the tasks themselves, helping watch Moose, or helping us obtain our supplies.  We are so very grateful!

Happy Family Day Everyone :)

1 comment:

  1. Looks really good

    Thanks guys for the hard work
