Friday, February 3, 2012

A Different Kind of Progress Report!

This picture was from two days ago...wait...three days - whatever Tuesday would be!  It is by far the worst day for looks on the bruise front...and it only makes me happy to report that because it was the worst day, it's done nothing but heal since then.  Yes, he still has a black eye - but it's improving!  Soon, I can stop answering the 'what happened' questions and hopefully won't get the judgmental 'how could you let that happen to your child' stares anymore when we go out!  Man,  do I look forward to that!  Surprisingly, the most supportive and understanding demographic of people have been the grandparent generation.  In fact, they usually look and actually chuckle to themselves and make cute comments like 'it's the first of many' or 'boys will be boys'.  I get the most judgement from parents my own age and usually who are toting children younger than Moose.  Funny, eh?!  You'd think parents of similar aged children would have a tad more empathy.  Just about six months when their little one's are Moose's age and have their first big boo boo - they will think back and say ' I get it!'!  And people who are younger than me and probably don't have kids are always the ones who actually ask 'what happened?' which I totally appreciate!

Hopefully I will get a pic of my busy beaver today to show the updated progress of his healing!  Until then, I wanted to share his 'Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat' eye!

1 comment:

  1. Totally need a speech bubble that says something along the lines of "You should see the other guy"

    Miss you family

