Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Baby Update!

Today we are entering our 13th week of pregnancy! YAY! I am welcoming it with open arms! I am eating more, feeling more like myself, sleeping better, and am more optimistic than ever before!

We met with the OGBYN on Friday and it was so nice to finally sit down with her and ask her all my questions about the Subchorionic Hemorrhage and random pains I've been having! She put my mind to ease quite a bit!

She said my middle of the night abdominal muscle pains were totally normal and just fall under the category of round ligament pain (abdominal stretching, etc.!). They were odd - very brief, sharp pains that would go away within seconds - but scared the crap out of me when they woke me up in the middle of the night!! I was thinking they were fine, but being the first time I'm going through this - I just wanted to check!

As for the notorious SCH - - - she said that the ultrasound she reviewed showed that the SCHs were tiny. She was optimistic that we were now in the second trimester and things would start to grow more rapidly and hopefully take care of those devilish SCHs. She said unless the bleeding increases or changes for the worse in any way to not worry about it or be too concerned about it. So, when it came back after a week (very mildly) yesterday - I was far calmer! It's gone so far today too (knock on wood!) - so I think her telling me that many women have these little problems helped me relax!

Now the two most exciting parts of the visit were:

1) HEARING THE HEARTBEAT FOR THE FIRST TIME!!!! It brought me to tears immediately! She struggled finding it at first and found mine a couple times before we stumbled across the little ones, but there it was! All 151 bpm of it! It was the best sound ever! I remember putting my head down and just being so grateful - couldn't help the tears! Then I had her go get Trevor so he could experience the same feeling!

2) BEING CLEARED TO TRAVEL! Before we found out about our wonderful news, we had planned on flying to Palm Springs to spend some holiday time with my mom, dad, grandparents, and brother and sister in law! It's a very low key vacation. My parents have a home down there and I plan to spend most of my time lying by their pool! I was worried she wouldn't want me to fly, but her exact response was "short of smoking crack, which I'm not concerned about you doing, there is not a lot you can do that will change the outcome. Go, enjoy the change in scenery and warm weather!". YIPPEE!! She said that the flight was short, there was medical care in Palm Springs, and we are now in the second trimester where they encourage expecting moms to get away while they are feeling up for it! I'll take it! She didn't bat an eye and seemed totally at ease with it. She said if significant changes happen between now and then we will re-evaluate.

All in all, I am feeling much better! I get to venture back to work next Monday which I am so very much looking forward to! Trevor is back at work, which sucks. It's hard to believe that the next time he's here we'll be celebrating Christmas Eve together!

We have a follow-up ultrasound coming up NEXT Thursday when I pick Trevor up. I'm so excited for him to finally get to experience seeing our little one! I am hoping and praying for the best! I had asked the doctor if she would call me with the results (whether they still showed the SCH or if the SCH got worse) and said nope! Ugh! She said if the baby is growing and looking healthy, there is no need to worry. That helped. I will hope for no phone call! Keep your fingers and toes crossed for our family!

I also love Wednesdays because they are the beginning of a new pregnancy week so I get all my emails updating me on what's going on inside! Below is a picture of the baby - which might I add - looks a lot like a baby now! Apparently the head's growth is slowing down a bit so the body can catch up and start to proportion out! The little babe also has its own set of unique finger prints already and its organs are starting to function! So amazing to me!

Also, the little babe is the size of a peach this week! Pretty cool! Think of that as you enjoy your fruit this week! haha.

I just wanted to send one more special thank you out to all those who have given extra support, love, and generosity over the past few weeks. It was so nice to know that we were being thought of and cared about. The positive energy is something I find to be very powerful and I just wanted to express some appreciation! THANKS!

Much Love

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