Tuesday, January 22, 2013

We Got In!

Do you want to know what I did yesterday?!  

I waited for about six hours in a line up to register my child in preschool.  Yes, you read that right!


I had never thought in my wildest dreams that registering my 2 year old in preschool for the 2013/2014 school year was such a process.  It was absolutely crazy and had I not mentioned to a friend my thought, I never would have thought that it was such a process.  I would have simply showed up at 5 to register my boy.  Not wait in a ridiculous line for hours.

After what literally seemed like an eternity, receiving some info that made us all more anxious and crazy), a tiny altercation with another mother (who showed up in the last 10 minutes and sat with her friend in front of us), and anxiety levels rocketing through the roof - WE GOT IN!  One day of craziness hopefully will have paid off when I see my little boy having a blast at a wonderful preschool with new friends and experiences.

What we don't do for our children!

In 14-15 years when he yells at me that I don't care about him - I'm showing him this post!

This is just a fraction of the line!  I showed up just after noon...and people had been waiting since 9 AM.  Yes, you read that right NINE IN THE FREAKING MORNING!

At about 4:45 the poor people (who I would have been categorized as) were showing up thinking they were early.  The complete panic and defeat on their faces made me so sad.  As I was leaving, people were still coming in.  The people that thought that registration was simply between 5-7 pm.  They were probably in complete disbelief when they heard through the grapevine that people actually showed up at 9 am!

BUT - Sitting here the next day when the anxiety has subsided and the crazy is over...I can giggle at it all!  AND...I have one very happy boy to show for it.  Have I mentioned recently how much I LOVE these boys of mine?!  They are growing so fast.  Looking at Jackson lately and having conversations with him just proves that the clock doesn't slow down at all.  He is so handsome and is so THRILLED that he goes to school in September (I wish I could say the same!  I don't want my baby to grow up!).

Who is this?!  Look at that big boy!  EEEEK!
He totally wanted to have his hands in his pockets and it made him look so grown up.

Literally JUMPING FOR JOY with his piece of preschool confirmation paper!

I LOVE YOU BABY!  And any time you need me to wait in a six hour line for you, I've got your back!  Let's just not do it too often ;)  

1 comment:

  1. Thank you babe for being such a trooper. Still having trouble digesting the whole situation. Crazy!

    Love you much

