Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Another First

Today Moose finally experienced another first that we have been talking about for a long time.  We visited the dentist!  He did AMAZING.  To say that I was proud (of both boys) is a COMPLETE understatement.  I got compliments on their behavior and Jackson seriously was a champ.  I think I was more nervous than he was!  The staff handled him great, and I really appreciated how friendly the they were.  All in all - it was a great experience!  Apparently he's on a two-times a year check up schedule!  With baby teeth, if something goes wrong, it can get bad quickly - so we were told that his teeth are in amazing shape and that we want to keep them that way!  So proud of my growing little boy.  He's so amazing and sets such an amazing example for his baby brother!

They had a fantastically clean environment with really great toys.

Jackson didn't waste any time jumping into his 'spaceship' chair!

 He got to choose a toy from the toy chest afterwards, and I have to say that the toys he had to choose from far exceeded what I had imagined.  I had anticipated stickers or bouncy balls.  HECK NO.  There were cars, fire trucks, musical instruments, puzzles.  Everything a little boy could want!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Good job Jackson. Momma said you were a rockstar! Dada is very proud of you.

