Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Random iPhone Catch-Up Post

I've gotten so bad at incorporating our iphone photos into our photos...and really, we all know, our phone cameras play a large role in our children's adventures!  Here's a bit of catch-up!

Some oh-so-delicoius Pink Berry while Sawyer slept!
New Hats in the mail from Chantel & Brennon...

 A trip to the circus!

 Sawyer Bean Growing

 Moosey serenading his baby brother!

Some time at The Toy Hutch

Some Dinner...

Our new car upon arrival in show room.

How Jackson puts his shoes away...

 Sawyer's solo attempt on Moosey's quad!

 Check out those CHEEKS!

 Some brother bonding over Elmo!

On our way down to California...

Some snuggles with Dada...


 Setting Up for Christmas...

Some Sawyer Smiles

Thoroughly enjoying Pink Berry again!

How Trev and I saw two cars parked at West Ed...what a a-hole!  How the hell is that red mini van gonna get anywhere?  I love how some people think they can just park and do what they wish.

Painting Christmas Ornaments!

 A snooze-a-saurus

A brotherly bath

Jackson wanting to help with Sawyer, his 'heavy load'!

 Mr. Independent

Jackson has taken over Sawyer's walker as his 'race car'

'What are you looking at?!'

 Some time with his girlfriend, Reece.

A photobooth snap of Moosey and Mommy

Aidan & Jackson playing on their 'bridge' that they built

 Jackson trying to teach Sawyer how to crawl!

A tired Sawyer at Auntie Cole's

A happy post-shower Sawyer!

A Sick Sawyer...

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