Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Sawyer is 9 MONTHS OLD!

Yes, I'm a bit behind...but better now than not at all!  The truth is I had high hopes and every intention of taking some outdoor photos, but the boys are just recovering from colds and I then the weather turned all hot and melting on me.  Ah well!  He's cute nonetheless!

 At 9 Months, Sawyer is...

*Eating finger foods and prefers them to purees*
*LOVING his brother and his puppy...the world stops when they're around!*
*Napping twice a day*
*Has cut three teeth in the past three days and is working on a fourth - bringing his total to 7 teeth*
*Weighs in at 25 lbs even*
*Is in 12-18 month clothes, and some are getting snug*
*Can be a cuddle bug when he's tired*
*Is fairly calm, quiet, and absorbent - especially in comparison to his big brother*
*LOVES to be sung to.  He really enjoys interactive songs & actions*
*Has the sweetest little giggle*
*Shakes his head 'No'*
*Is starting to wave!*
*Sometimes gives delicious sweet open mouthed kisses full of slobber!*
*Has gone from sleeping mostly through the night to being up with teething pain*
*Favorite foods tend to be veggies; corn, green beans, peas*
*Would rather play with Kia's ball then any other toy we could give him*
*LOVES bath time, water, being in the shower with one of us*

Honestly, Sawyer is just so darn sweet and cute that just looking in his direction melts my heart.  He is so quiet and gentle.  To say that he has been the best addition to our family is an understatement.  We couldn't imagine sharing our world with anyone else!  Jackson and Sawyer's bond grows closer every day - and it is so fun to see them grow together.  You can tell that they truly love each other - and that is something we dreamed of.  I am not sure why or how the time goes so quickly, but it does; and it makes me sad.  Thank you Sawyer for being you!  We love you.

1 comment:

  1. Handsome boy you are Sawyer!!
    Auntie loves you!!
