Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy New Year

Happy New Year Everyone!  I hope 2013 is full of fun and love for all of you!

This morning, bright and early, we decided to take Jackson skating for the very first time.  He was EXCITED.  And that is an understatement!  We were on the ice just after 8:30 AM!  He actually did pretty darn good - better than I would have done.  On the way to the ice, he was pretty hesitant walking in his skates and fairly wobbly.  BUT, afterwards on the way back to the change room he had it figured out and wanted to do it on his own!

I don't think the smile left his face pretty much the whole time, and that is worth getting our butts to the rink fresh outta bed!


This is how Jackson give us a 'thumbs up'!!!  It's so cute!  You'll see it again later on too!
 'Thumbs' Up all around!

I'm so proud of this boy!  Growing up right before my eyes!  Of course we heard all about skates and hockey helmets for the rest of the day!  If only I knew how to skate!  Trevor said I could take lessons with Moose next year.  Smarty pants!


  1. Oh I've been waiting for Jackson's first skating experience!!! He looked great...I'll have to stop by to hear all about it!!

    Love you Buddy!
    Auntie Cole

  2. So cute!!! And if you need a buddy, I have always wanted to learn to skate too!!!

  3. Sooo cute! And glad to see mamma in the pics too ;)
