Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Another, more fun, event that happened yesterday was that we started Jackson in swim lessons again.  A new swim school.  IT WAS AMAZING!  What an experience.  In fact, when we left, Jackson, as he was holding my hand, said 'I did Awesome, Mama'.  MELT. MY. HEART.  'Yes baby, You did!' was my reply and we raced each other to the car in the snow.  Do you know that those moments are what it's about?  That's the magic of it all.  He's so fantastic.  Can't wait to start Sawyer in lessons next time around, when Jackson is on his own.  Sigh...tick tock tick tock!  Enjoy it all while you can!

You're gonna be a great 'Swordyfish' Mr. Moose!

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