Tuesday, January 8, 2013

A Fantastic FIRST!

We've been waiting for what seems like forever to be able to share a video like this - and I had a hunch it was going to be very soon as Sawyer was approaching the age Moose was the first time he achieved this milestone AND because Trevor is gone and that is usually when fun things that we've been waiting for happen ;)


We are so excited...well, most of us, most of the time ;)  Jackson is still getting used to Sawyer being able to crawl to his toys!  If anything, it'll teach him to clean up after himself!  Hehe.  I'm still getting used to the idea of Sawyer being mobile and closing baby gates diligently all over again!  And Trevor, well he still hasn't witnessed it for himself yet - but I'm sure he's anxious to get home in a couple days!


  1. Hurray for Sawyer!!! Dada is so proud of you. I knew you were gonna do it while i was at work this time.


  2. Wow! It has been a long time since I have seen you guys and quite awhile since I checked your blog! Alot is going on! Hopefully we will be able to get together soon.

