Friday, January 25, 2013

Friday Fun

This afternoon between naps and dinner we decided to take a quick little jaunt over to the park across the street.  I actually wanted to go tobogganing, but Trev thought this was closer and there was a hill that was reasonable enough.  I beg to differ and still want to go tobogganing - however, it was fun nonetheless!!!  These two boys are just too darn sweet and really do love each other a whole heck of a lot!  I truly hope that is here to stay!  Obviously they will fight, but here's to hoping to a couple of good buds; now and forever!
Kisses for Sawyer

It's written all over Sawyer's face how much he adores Jackson - LOVE!
 Hope all of you were able to enjoy the beautiful weather of the day as well!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Speaking Of...

Speaking of the Lacina's in Sylvan...this weekend they celebrated the two birthdays of their very beautiful little girls and the little girlfriends to our boys - so of course, I took the boys out there!  Roads were great on the way there...the way home was a different story!  The highway was terrible.  BUT, it was all worth it in the end.  It was the first time Jackson went sledding!  I showed up with some hot cocoa for everyone and went down a couple times with Moose.  It's been about at least 12 years since I've gone down a hill!  I giggled like a school girl!  It was the best 10 minutes I've had in a while.  I can't wait to go again with him!  Good on Chad, he had to haul Reece and Jackson UP the icy hill afterwards.  They had so much fun!  And, by the way, the video is of the last run of the day, so Jackson had the cups to take down and Reece had the marshmallows!  Good on them for hanging on to both!


This is a flashback from before Christmas when we took a trip out to Sylvan to do a mini Christmas day.  I can't even tell you how much Jackson and Reece love their time together!  And I have to say, I always love it too!  It was a great time and I stumbled across these photos as I'm playing a bit of catch up!  Enjoy.

It's too bad those two didn't have any fun together ;)

One (or two) Steps Forward

Since Sawyer started walking, everything seems to be happening quickly!  He moves around like crazy.  Is starting to try and pull himself up on things and is now walking around in his walker!

A Happy Boy

These pictures are from a couple weeks ago...but the message is still the same!

To say that Sawyer has been enjoying his new found mobility is an understatement!  He loves being able to get around now.  It's been fun watching him explore too.

I LOVE his expression in this photo!
Look at his chub!  Eeeek - I just want to eat him up!  It's already sadly starting to go away as he's moving around more.
 Good Job Sawyer Bear!


Another, more fun, event that happened yesterday was that we started Jackson in swim lessons again.  A new swim school.  IT WAS AMAZING!  What an experience.  In fact, when we left, Jackson, as he was holding my hand, said 'I did Awesome, Mama'.  MELT. MY. HEART.  'Yes baby, You did!' was my reply and we raced each other to the car in the snow.  Do you know that those moments are what it's about?  That's the magic of it all.  He's so fantastic.  Can't wait to start Sawyer in lessons next time around, when Jackson is on his own.  Sigh...tick tock tick tock!  Enjoy it all while you can!

You're gonna be a great 'Swordyfish' Mr. Moose!