Monday, June 11, 2012


This little boy was absolutely full of smiles today!  I have noticed he has been a crank pot lately and has gotten quite cranky as he was getting over tired.  It felt like I could only get him to sleep if I packed em up and went for a car ride...but then shortly after the movement stopped when we got home...he'd be up.  So today, I made an effort to watch the clock and revert back to the 90 minute sleep solution that I had read when Jackson was young.  What a difference today has been.  Maybe he cried once...when I didn't feed him fast enough!  But other than that...he napped better...he was happier...which led to a happier mama too :)


  1. Cute smiles mister. Have a good sleep for momma!


  2. Oh my! I need to get over there soon! He is changing so much!!

