Friday, June 22, 2012

Kinsmen Park

This morning we went down to the River Valley to play at the playground at Kinsmen.  It was awesome.  An amazing park, nice weather, and great trails/bridges...however our post-park walk was cut short when poor Moose fell running, hurt his knee and teeth, and cried the whole way home.  Poor bug.  Clearly all the photos were taken PRIOR to the 'owies' taking place.  After his nap he was back to his old self!  And, I can't wait to go back :)


  1. Sounds like fun family. I remember Moose in that hoodie Sawyer. Looks just as cute on you!

    Thanks for the post.

    Miss you


  2. Next time you go there you should call me. I live 5 minutes from there. Also, there is a brand new spray park that is a 2 minute walk from my house!

