Monday, June 4, 2012

Moon Sand

The first present Jackson opened on his birthday was a cool 'moon sand' construction kit!  It is awesome, but I've been waiting to bust it out until I knew he would have some serious time to dedicate to playing - as I knew he was likely going to love it.  I was right!

Trev came home and he couldn't wait to bust it out, so the boys got it out and started playing.  About two hours was lunch time - and you'll notice at the end of the post how that went over!  To say he loves this kit - is an understatement!

 And then it was time for lunch...

 Don't you just feel the pain in his heart!?  This is pretty much how it ended last night when it was dinner time too!  Meh, he'll have to learn to take a break from playing to eat now and again!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my!!! Mama how could you ask that boy to eat?!? ;) he looked like he was playing so hard and then crying so hard :( super sweet!!! Jackson, auntie would have let you keep playing ;)
