Saturday, May 26, 2012

Devon Days Pics

I'm so glad we decided to pack up the boys and head to Devon Days.  We kicked around the thought of the Rainmaker Rodeo - but turns out it was a zoo.  We had fun and it really wasn't all that busy!  Just a nice morning out and about.  There were tonnes of tractors in the parade, and motorcycles, and fire trucks.  It wasn't the worlds greatest parade...but good enough to amuse us!

Jackson was iffy at the petting zoo!  He wasn't to kean on the pony's which surprised me.  He was kinda scared of them.  He also moo'ed at them!  This being said, he loved the baby goats and he got to sneak some snuggles in with them!

1 comment:

  1. Wow family looks like a good morning out! I see you found your "dudes" moosey. Cute that he mooed at the pony lol

    Miss you

