Saturday, May 26, 2012

Park Time

Today was a busy day!  We went to 'Devon Days' this morning and hit up a parade, mini donuts, petting zoo, and some lemonade...yum - it was fun!  Then home for nap, out to a birthday party, and then dinner and a walk to the park!  Can't ask for much more than that!  Can you tell I'm trying to wear a 2-year-old out?!  I think it's working!

Here are some pics from the park!

 And here is our new addition!  I LOVE our new stroller!  The double BOB has been fantastic the past couple days...I was really disappointed that we didn't have the car seat adapter (not available until September) but really this works great and Jackson likes being able to say 'Hi Sawyer'...and I'm sure it won't be long before Sawyer enjoys staying awake and looking around!  Thank you to all of you who contributed to this awesome has made my life much easier and more comfortable :)

1 comment:

  1. He loves slides so so much! I Like how he can say hi to Sawyer and that BOB the 2nd is a big hit all around.

    Thanks for the posts and avdentures you took the boys out on.


    Miss you guys
