Sunday, May 27, 2012

Busy, Busy

It's been another busy day!  It started with a photoshoot in the morning, a nap for the boys, a birthday party, sportball, the park, dinner, a different park - and BED!  Well, for the boys - but I'm following soon!  The second park date was with Auntie Caitlin, Auntie Nicole and Papa Kurt and Nana Selma! It was followed by a nice stroll. Smiles all around :)


  1. Wow, you guys have been super busy! Looks like fun!


  2. The picture of moosey and papa Kurt is so cute. His smile is priceless. You are pretty spoiled moose - and to top day off with both aunties and nana Selma and papa kurt is pretty lucky!!

    Thanks for the adventures and post babe

    Miss you

