Thursday, May 17, 2012

Sylvan Lake

Yesterday I packed up the boys and we headed out to Sylvan Lake to visit some friends for the day.  It was a nice change up from the normal city stuff!  Jackson saw a slue of tractors and cows on the way out there and Sawyer napped right until I got lost finding their house in Sylvan.  Amy's husband and Trevor used to work together but Chad has moved on to a new company...however, it's the same shift work - so there is an understanding there of what it's like to have the husbands gone for a week with two littles!  They have two girls that are both just a bit older than our boys - so it's really nice to get the kids together.  The weather was really nice - we had some lunch - and then went out to the park which was basically right on the shore of the lake.  Ahhhh...makes me want a cabin out there!  Thanks for the fun Amy & the girls...I'm so very much looking forward to doing it again! :)

This little beauty looks JUST LIKE her dad!  It's a bit ridiculous and I kind of can't believe it!

1 comment:

  1. Looked like a fun trip! Hope you guys do it again soon and with Chad and I one day.
