Monday, March 15, 2010

Update of This That and The Other...

I'm pretty proud that I've pretty much got the blog up to date!  It was fun last night to just get comfy on the couch with my sleeping dog and my sleepy husband!  He fetched crazy bread and we had a nice couch picnic and watched Celebrity Apprentice (guilty pleasure!) and Amazing Race!  

I did mention sleepy dog above!  Yesterday marked our first trip to the dog park of the year!  We only went for about half an hour; however, it must have done the trick!  We pulled up and the parking lot and surrounding area was MUD HEAVEN...we weren't all that impressed, but figured she'd run her dirty paws off in the snow so continued on.  We only went for a little walk and because we forgot her tennis ball, we threw snow balls for her!  On the way back, Trevor and I were both dirtier and wetter than the dog!  My boots were leaking so my feet were wet and his pants were nice and sloppy on the bottom.  Then, we hit the mud again!  Instead of risking it, I went ahead to unlock and open the back seat and Trevor carried Kia to the truck!  You should have seen her confused face!  The best part was when Trevor's shoe got stuck in the mud while he was carrying our 70 pound pooch!  Needless to say, by the time we got home, she was clean AND dry as a whistle, and we were both water bogged and muddy!  Go figure!  Although it was only a short outing, she slept like a rock until morning...snoring and all!  She needed that as Spring fever had hit her hard recently and she was driving us bonkers!

We started watching New Moon last night, which was very exciting, but I fell asleep on and I will have to give it another go.  So far, the book is better!  Shocking, I know!

Tomorrow I am getting my hair cut!  I'm so freaking excited.  I've been feeling incredible blah lately and need to put more effort into finding energy to pamper myself a little bit...even if that just means shaving my legs or painting my toes, I assure you that both of these are rare occasions because I'm just too darn tired and it seems like so much work!!  I think Spring fever is hitting me too though, so I'm going to give it a go the next couple of weeks to take care of myself and pull myself out of this feeling 'ick' phase!  I've been wanting this hair cut for a while as my hair is just so darn thick and needs some shaping - but I'm a bit nervous as I am trying someone and somewhere new!  Fingers crossed!  

Exciting News!!!  For the first time this morning, Trevor was able to SEE our little man kick!  It was pretty exciting.  Baby gave a big one and Trev just thought that was me (because I have some sort of magic internal poking power!!) and then the second time his face lit up when he saw it for sure!  It seems that when we use our hands to feel, he stops, but if we use our eyes, he gives us a show!  The 9 - 10 am mark is his favorite time to kick YAY for lazy Monday mornings!  

Well, the insomnia is back!  It's so odd, I will have one or two really good nights of sleep and then WHAM - nothing!  I struggle getting comfortable enough to fall asleep and then when the z's start to happen - I'm up two hours later.  It sucks...I have a pregnancy pillow and a wedge - but if anyone has ANY insight as to how I can catch some more z's - I would be ever so grateful (as would everyone around me I'm sure!!!)!

Enjoy your weeks!  Looking forward to the nice weather and the time to continue to float on by!


(I forgot to post this with the nursery photos last night!  Like always, I turn to find this posing pooch whenever the camera is in my hand!)

1 comment:

  1. What a great weekend together with my family
