Monday, July 9, 2012

Sawyer is 3 Months Old!

Our little bear is 3 months old!  It's true...where does the time go?!  What is Sawyer up to you ask!?...

- Is a happy, easy going little (ah hem...big) guy -
-  Smiles easily and giggles/chuckles -
- Has very sweet, soft eyes -
- Is starting to work on a more consistent schedule when it comes to sleeping & eating -
- Usually sleeps from 9/9:30 pm - 6:30/7 am with one feed anywheres between 2:30 and 4:30 -
- Eats every 3-4 hours during the day -
- Lets us know how little he likes it when the car stops moving! -
- Last weighed in at 17 1/2 lbs and that was about a month I'll get on that statistic! -
- Likes to take a long afternoon nap in his swing -
- Has a puppy hanging from one of his play mats that he LOVES -
- Loves to stand and sit up and has started spending time in his Jolly Jumper -
- Is incredibly picky about which bottle nipple he will take and it's driving me BANANAS! -

Anywhos...I'm sure there's more!  But lets get to seeing how cute he is ;)

xox We Love You Sawyer Bear - Thank You for adding EVEN MORE MAGIC to our lives xox

1 comment:

  1. Happy 3 months old bear. You grow so fast. I look forward to seeing how much you change every time I come home.

    Love you

