Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Jumpin' Sawyer

As I mentioned in his 3 month post, Sawyer is now starting to spend some time in his jumper!  Jackson LOVED the jolly jumper when he was little...and Sawyer loves to stand and be independent, so this is perfect for him.  An added bonus is that Jackson loves to help Sawyer jump or 'jump' along side him...I can't wait until Sawyer really gets the hang of it and Moose can watch him and jump along beside him!  The pictures of the boys together choked me up a bit for some ridiculous reason...I think I was just so incredibly shocked to see the difference in size between the two that it just kinda overwhelmed me!  It really reminds me just how fast it all goes...and no matter what...there's no breaks available.  I love both so much...even though they are both giving me all sorts of grief today (I think they're in cahoots!)!  Stinkers! 

We miss you Dada.  Wish you were coming home sooner than Thursday!

1 comment:

  1. All I can say is go Sawyer go and holy crap moose looks big. Hope he enjoys the jumper as much as moose.

    Thanks for the posts baby. Miss you family

