Saturday, July 7, 2012


Today was a RIDICULOUSLY busy day.  I was anxious about it for the past few days.  Moose has been WHINY and GRUMPY because he is cutting his molars...he now has his two bottoms ones popping through.  Poor buddy...and poor anyone around him - because he is not himself! we had his buddy's birthday party, sport ball, and a retirement party.  It was a juggling act - but we managed to hit them all up - and in 32 degree weather, it left us all exhausted.

Here are some pics from Blake's birthday party.  It only took one time going down this slide for him to be hooked.  I'm sure he could have done it ALL afternoon - and he loved every second of it...over and over and over again!

1 comment:

  1. COOL!!!! The slide looks way too cool. Wish I was there for the busy day and great weather

    Miss ya family

