Monday, November 14, 2011


Moose's love for the bath tub hasn't faded an ounce.  In fact, I'm pretty sure it's increased.  He LOVES his bath.  He has been doing lots of 'swimming' in his tub where he gets on his belly, kicks his legs, practices blowing bubbles, and goes for it!  He also loves to listen to the water as the tub is draining.  He will quickly get on all fours and put his ear in with a huge smile.  It's so cute.  As soon as I say 'it's time to pull the plug', he goes straight to the plug and tries to get it pulled!  He then insists on sitting in the bath tub splashing his sillies out until all the water is gone...and maybe a bit longer after that!  He LOVES his bath...and I LOVE that he loves water so much!


  1. Ha! That is so cute how he lays there!

  2. Truly shows how much he loves the water and how much lately he is developing an imagination! Your a goof mister!!

    Miss you guys

