Thursday, November 17, 2011

Meet Baby Boy #2 - Excited and Thrilled, makes my heart skip a beat!

As mentioned, Baby Boy was very uncooperative during our last ultrasound.  We didn't walk away with even one photo.  However, I'm lucky enough to have an ultrasound tech as one of my best friends who was more than happy to scan baby again!  He was more calm today - but still wouldn't show off his profile for us :(  Maybe on the 6th of December he will feel less shy!  Either way, June was able to get some special shots for us :)  Thanks Lady!

Turning himself AWAY from us...rotter!
Arms, legs, hands and feet!  Leg is the upper L, arm is the bottom!
The closest to a profile that he was going to give us!  I love that cute button nose!  It got me with Moose too :)
The cutest little foot ever :)
He did keep his legs together - but we snuck a quick peak...

 Even cooler than the pics above are the couple videos June included!  One of the heart fluttering away and the other of Mr. Mr. having the hiccups...which was so fun and cute to see never mind capture on video!!!

This ultrasound was also special because my dad came with us.  My mom was in surgery at the hospital across the street, and my dad and I were killing time together (isn't it horrible waiting for someone in surgery?!  It doesn't leave your mind!  You are constantly wondering how they're doing, etc.)  After lunch, he came to the ultrasound to help with Moose.  It was fun that he got to share the experience of seeing Baby Boy #2 live in action!


  1. First off I have to say I'm very dissapointed in all that fallow. Surely I'm not the only one making the blog have 32000 hits. Were are all the comments lately????

    Back to business...I am very very excited to meet this little guy. Half way there unless he is early like his big bro. Thanks for the pics June. Thanks for the post babe.


  2. You are very welcome, I loved scanning the little guy! I hope the ultrasound on the 6th goes just as well :o)
