Wednesday, May 25, 2011


This weekend we celebrated.  We celebrated my sweet little boy growing from my little baby into my little boy!  There were tears.  There was laughter.  Hugs and Kisses too.  I am lucky to have such a sweet little man in my life!
A little bit about Jackson at 1...

- 26 lbs, 3 oz -
- 30.25 inches long -
- Has a head circumference of 48.7 (yes people, that is 90th percentile!) -
- Has the most amazingly big, bright blue eyes that melt anyone's heart! -
- Waves hello and bye -
- Says 'hi' (which just happened to be my first real word!) -
- Says Dada and sometimes Mama -
- LOVES water...washing hands, hot tub, baths, watching us shower (and trying to get in!) -
- Smiles BIG, and shows off all his teeth! -
- Has 7 teeth -
- Is sleeping through the night and is like clock work when it comes to his routine -
- Stands by himself (followed by some panic if figures out no one is holding him!) -
- Loves his puppy and tracks her down and waits with his mouth open for kisses (she is the only one that doesn't have to beg for kisses!) -
- Loves balloons! -
- Loves playing with toys and can be quite happy playing with things for quite a while - 
- Shares very well.  Food, toys, drinks! -
- Has made peek-a-boo a must-play every day! -
- LOVES playing with balls...and has become quite good at 'pass' or 'catch' -
- When we tell him 'no' he stops what he's doing and shakes his head no! -
- Scales along furniture and the odd time will reach and travel between pieces -
- Has taken his first (and hopefully only!) ambulance ride when we woke up to Croup -
- Eats fairly well.  Yogurt is his food of choice! -
- LOVES horsey rides on your knee -
- Loves adrenaline rushed...being upside down is a favorite past time! -
- Reaches up when you say 'arms up', making life so much easier -
- Points at things...sometimes with babble, sometimes with wonder -
- Loves to clap and/or throw his arms up in the air in a 'woo hoo' fashion -
- pats his legs in beat to certain songs we sing -
- Blows kisses (just starting to do this) -
- Give 'high fives' -
- Laughs a lot and often -
- Naps twice a day -
- Loves to be around other people.  He rarely plays shy.  Complete ham! -
- I'm sure there's more...but I just can't think of them! -

 Dear Jackson,
I remember the very moment I knew you were close to coming into our lives!  It was early!  4 AM to be exact...I wasn't expecting it because it was a month too soon!  We were ready though...had been waiting long enough - so we shared your enthusiasm!  My water broke, and off to the hospital I went.  Daddy was busy flying home early...and then we waited together...and waited...and waited!  The wait was worth it!  You were perfect!  Chubby cheeks, thick dark hair, little hands, tiny nose!  I could have marveled at you all day and night!  You were strong.  SO STRONG for being so early and new.  No one believed you were a preemie.  We were lucky in so many ways!  You spent your first few days in the Intermediate Care Nursery - and I always felt blessed when we went to visit you because amongst all these tiny new premature babies was you - this 8 lb, 15 oz boy!  This is when Moose quickly became your nickname.  We mean this nickname with all the love and pride in the world!  You were so big and strong and defied all the preemie cliches!

Over the past year you have grown in so many ways!  I can't pinpoint when you grew from my baby to my little boy - and recently I find myself thinking about this a lot!  It was all such a blur!  I have loved every stage we've experienced together!  You have taught me so much about life, love, and what it means to be a family.  Our lives have changed so much with you in them.  It is unreal how such a little person can have such a big impact - and not just on me and Daddy - but everyone around you as well!  You have a special charisma to you.  A way about you that makes people want to smile and be happy!  You are truly unique and special.  I hope you never lose your magic touch and genuine love for everything you do.  You're excitement about the world has everyone around you excited about the world too...and that's pretty great! 

I loved you before I met you, Jackson.  I love you now that you're the biggest part of my life.  And I will love you always and forever down whatever path life holds for you.

The only two words that could sum up what I want to say to you are


Love, Mommy


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