Friday, July 9, 2010

Smiley Friday

Jackson had a very short nap -  but again in his crib - this is progress!

When I went in there a while later, the below is what I found!  A very awake, smiling little boy!

So, the more I think about this whole pacifier situation, the more I think that I not only need to put in a more structured sleep routine, but I should maybe take away the pacifier too!  From the reading I've been doing and my personal experiences (crying as soon as it falls out and being up NUMEROUS times to re-pacify him), I'm thinking maybe we bite it in the butt now rather than later!  Ugh...who knows!  I will keep the pacify and sleep chronicles up to date!  Wish us luck!

1 comment:

  1. So cute! Please sleep good for mom little man.

