Friday, July 16, 2010

Happy Two Months Jackson!

Well, today is our two month celebration!  We now can't imagine our lives without this little man in them...and are so blessed to be parents!  Every day we are amazed by his 'tricks' (as daddy calls them!).  He is truly special and we are so lucky to be a part of his journey called life!

Things we LOVE about JACKSON
In no particular order!

- His SMILE!  We get to see it more and more now! -
- His "OH" face where he makes a little circle with his lips -
- His dinosaur noises (we sometimes call him Valaso short for Valasoraptor!) -
- The button nose! -
- His funny little middle toe -
- His ability to find blinds in EVERY room and his fascination with staring at them! -
- The fact that his hands are always into his face, around his bottle, throwing pacifiers out of his mouth! -
- He is already in 3 - 6 month clothing -
- He wore 3 - 6 month socks home...and his feet won't fit in his sleepers anymore! -
- His love bite out of his left ear -
- His love for baths and how sweet and snoozy he gets in the water! -
- His multiple facial expressions as he tries to tell us more and more -
- He is in the 90th percentile for weight gain...which amazes us given his premature status -
- His amazing head control and how he's been lifting it for a long time now -
- His 'scootching' up us when holding him and across the floor during tummy time, this boy wants to get moving! -
- His cheeks!  (As if I would forget that one!) -
- His use of the word 'owe', making us stop in our tracks and giggle -
- The way he smells -
- His HAIR! -
- Those BLUE eyes! -
 - The amazing perspective he has brought to us about the world and our new found amazement for the little things in life! -
- How much love he has brought to our lives -

Thank You Jackson 
We love you ever so much and look forward to each and every day starting and ending with you...

Love Mommy & Daddy...and Kia

1 comment:

  1. Aww I love them so very much!! You have such a beautiful family! There are so many strawberries! ;)

    Auntie Caitlin
