Friday, July 9, 2010

Growing Boy

Well, it's official!  Jackson is growing!  I keep having people ask me how many months he is, and truth be told, our little preemie is only 7 weeks today!  He is now weighing in at 12 lbs, 2 oz (as of Wednesday!) and is sporting his 3-6 month clothing!  It makes me a little sad that he isn't a little baby anymore (not that he every was a 'little' baby!); however, he gets more and more fun every day as he starts to interact with his environment more!  He is making more noises, wanting to be more active, and staying alert for longer periods!  I can't believe how quickly time flies and how much these little babies grow in just a week!  Next week he will be two months already! are some pics from this morning!  Jackson has really liked sitting up and looking around lately, and his neck strength amazes me, so I decided to bust out his Bumbo Chair, and he seems to really enjoy it!  So cute!  

His little 3-6 month outfit that I just love!  He already spit up on it!  Note to self, don't dress him in the desired outfit until RIGHT BEFORE you leave!

He may be growing, but his double chin isn't going away!

Searching and scanning the room

Are you looking at me?!

He could hear Kia's tail banging the coffee table, and his interest in me became obsolete!

This was the start of a smile, but I caught it too soon!  I hope one day soon they will be the best of friends and Kia won't be so afraid of him!  I think once he starts dropping food, they will be inseperable!

Another start to a smile!  He actually smiled back at me today!  It only happened once, but I will take it!

His feet have never fit into newborn socks!  In fact, he's been wearing 3-6 month socks since coming home from the hospital!  I have 0-3 month socks and occasionally we will slip them on him...but they fall off not long after!

Our more recent struggles have been getting Jackson to sleep!  He is always wanting to look around and doesn't want to miss out on anything.  We have read a couple books about routines and scheduling.  He so far is eating about 3 hours apart so part of him is already scheduled...just not the sleeping part!  I have made a commitment to attempt to make daytime naps part of an actual routine rather than letting him just fall asleep.  In fact, (knock on wood), he is taking a nap right now!  When I put him down, he was a bit uneasy and fussy, but once that paci went in his mouth, his eyes were out!  The only negative part of this is, when his paci falls out, his eyes open and he begins to squirm (if he hasn't yet fallen into a deep sleep) I've had to go back in a couple times to a bright eyed boy to put his paci in, and luckily his eyes have gone right back to sleep...haven't heard a peep out of him in about 15 minutes, so I went to check...and this is what I found!..

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