Saturday, July 17, 2010

Chilling at Grandpa & Grandmas!

This afternoon we headed over to my parents for a bit and Jackson got to hang out on his cool mat and hang out with my dad in the theatre room where we caught the end of the football game (boo Eskimos!). It was fun to see how much more alert and interactive he is getting!

ALSO...he rolled over from his stomach to his back TWICE all by himself!  I was so freaking excited!  YAY Jackson!  My mom was there to vouch!  So exciting!

Exploring the rope lighting in the theatre room...he was so captivated by it!

Watching the Eskimos fumble the football...again!

Playing on Grandpa's legs!


1 comment:

  1. Wow Kristy, he is looking more and more like Trevor every day!!!
