Saturday, May 30, 2009

Thoughts, memories, and looking ahead!

Well, it's Saturday morning and I'm waiting for my hair to dry before I attempt to prim and prep for my cousin's wedding today. Looking outside, I'm sending wishes off to the sky, who looks a little gloomy right is an outside wedding afterall!

Just a quick update...
Life in the fast lane is exactly how it sounds...FAST! I cannot believe that we are sitting at the end of May right now! Where or where did the time go?! A little scary, because I THINK that means I'm getting older! We have been busy planning the wedding and working and all the other stuff that comes with buying a new home!

So, the new owners of 503 Geissinger Loop took possession of my first baby yesterday! It sure was hard to let go of that really was special to me...BUT, the new home is the perfect place for Trevor and I to start our new lives together! I hope 503 brings them as much happiness and memories as it did me! (Can't bring myself to drive by just yet!)
We are still sitting and waiting on our driveway to be poured! The house at the end of the street was done on Thursday (did I mention no one even lives there!? Sheesh!), so ours should be around the corner! Other than that, we are looking at coffee tables and looking forward to furnishing a little bit. It's definitly coming along!

I had a work function until late last was fun. We all got together to do "team building" and there was a company hired to come out and put on a game show to get us all participating...there were some laughs and some embarassing moments! All in good fun! I work with some pretty great makes work so much easier when you get to do it with people you consider friends :)

MY DRESS IS IN!!! How exciting and crazy is that?! I have a feeling that the next couple months are going to fly by...The girls' dresses came in fact two of them are going to pick them up today, can't wait to see them! We are going for a "visit" to meet my dress later this month...I have butterflies just typing about it! My parents' landscaping is ticking along and I CANNOT wait to see the finished product. I am so excited for this wedding, it is going to be so personal and fun! I still can't believe that one day can cause sooooo much planning and work. Thank goodness for the wonderful friends and parents I have in my life...words cannot even begin to thank them.

MONDAY...dreaded MONDAY is my FIRST day of my 30 DAY CHALLENGE at Bikram Yoga. I am petrified. 30 days straight. Apparently it's a huge mental challenge...maybe even over the physical challenge of doing 90 minutes of yoga a day in 115 degrees! I am excited and nervous...I decided to finally do it...and June seemed like the perfect month, a couple months before the wedding and a birthday to celebrate on the last day! What better birthday present can I give myself than completing such a challenge?! I will keep you posted...but expect some miserable remarks! A shout out to Nicole who has been a big encourager and support in this regards...

Anywhos...I should really go try to pick what I'm going to wear today. Still no tears from heaven, so weather is looking promising! Will continue to keep my fingers crossed for Jeannine and Geoffrey. Congratulations to them both! I wonder what she's doing right now!?....

Enjoy your weekends!
Miss you Trevor!

My Beautiful deck....will be missed!

Where many great meals and laughs were had!

Most importantly...THIS TREE will be missed, man I wish I could take this tree with me! It's even bigger and more beautiful this year!! Hope they enjoy it!


  1. Hey Kristy! Keep up the great posts like these :)
    Hope the wedding was great

  2. Hello Sweet Heart,
    I love your post and can't wait to read more. Looking forward more and more every day until I come home. More importantly I can't wait until our wedding day and to start a new chapter in our lives together. Only 104 days! Can you believe that?

    Hugs to Kia

    Love you more than you can ever understand
