Monday, March 11, 2013

Waterpark Date

We have some Waterpark passes to use and it's been so hard to find time but today we made a date with the LeBlanc family!  We were all really efficient and decided to meet at 10:30 am!  Well...the Waterpark doesn't open until noon!  Talk about efficient!  Four adults and not one of us looking up the hours....oi.  So, we did what anyone would do.  We killed time.  It felt a little bit like we were tourists at WEM!  We paid the $1 and went on the Pirate Ship.  We perused the pet store.  We peeked at the sea lions.  It ended up being worth it.  Actually the Waterpark totally zonked me out and I'm still ubber tired!  I don't know how the kids have all the energy they have!  Baby Grace was like an energizer bunny...she just keeps going!  Sawyer is totally relaxed.  And Jackson could me amused with any of the activities there!

It was fun.  A good first experience for Bear!

1 comment:

  1. Awww look at those smiles from the little man!
