Friday, March 8, 2013

The Great Closet Clean Up

For years (literally) our closet has been a place where no one should dare to go.  Little children would get lost in there!  It was a place Trevor and I didn't want to go!  A place of no return and - well - a MESS!  You know when you kinda just start to not care and then it becomes easier and easier to not care?!  That's how we felt about our closet.  We kept setting little dates for ourselves...'closet must be cleaned by.....'.  It never happened.  Because we didn't know where to start.  So, as a surprise, I did it while Trev was gone a few weeks ago.  (He HATED that closet).  I even did every load of laundry (including the pjs that the boys were wearing that very morning!).  He was surprised!

You know, after all that hype...I didn't even take BEFORE pictures!  What the heck was I thinking?!  Basically, to visualize the before - picture all the crap on the floor pre-bagged spread all over our closet floor, shelves, and really any miscellaneous place you could find it!

I took no prisoners!  If something hadn't been worn within six months pre-Jackson - away it went!  And really pretty much all maternity clothes went because anything worth keeping was too well worn I would never wear it again anyways (think plenty of holes worn in)...what can I say, they got a lot of use through the two close pregnancies.

It felt good.  And more importantly, it looks the EXACT same today.  It is way easier to keep something looking good and clean when you've spent that amount of work and time organizing it!  It's just easier!

Special thanks to June who brought Aidan to keep Moose occupied and who filled those lovely blue bags for me!  She was so inspired, she went home and did her own closet!  We could start a whole new revelation here!

This is the part I dreaded the most, so I am so thankful June did it.  BTW...the kids found the clothes pile and the bags of clothes to be the GREATEST thing to play in.  Go figure. 
I had bought those bins on the bottom and pants, etc would be stored in them...bad's much better being able to see what you have!  The containers now store our bedding on the top shelf.  Way  more practical!
Look at all that floor space!
Dad came and helped me hang this necklace rack I bought TWO years ago that's been sitting on the shelf in there!
I even cleaned out the drawers in my jewelry cabinet.  It had become the housing unit for many random crappy things that really should have found their way to the garbage!  I really should have taken a picture of the top of that!  It was a disaster!
 It's like a whole room on its own now!  In fact, the kids take toys in there now, just to play! 

Doing the closet led to doing all the drawers in our bathroom and in our dressers.  WELL WORTH IT!  It just created a spiral effect.  And our room is so much more stress free...minus the construction tractors on the floor that are staring at me right now ;)

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