Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Dear Santa...

So today we hit up Santa Claus.  This wasn't our first kick at the can this year!  Our other experience ended in tears and in no photo...but Moose grew a whole few weeks older this time - and apparently that makes a difference!  The experience was so adorable!  We put him on Santa's knee and he was immediately not wanting to be there...but would not let ONE tear fall.  You could see on his face that he was using all his energy on focusing on not crying and to 'suck it back'.  Priceless.  In fact, so priceless that CTV was there and wanted to interview us after!  The kicker...we totally forgot to look and see if any of Moose's footage made it through the cut - didn't even turn the tv on all afternoon and remembered later in the evening!  Oh well...we have our 'sucking it up' photo to remember it by.  I'm so proud of him - - - he amazes me!  What a trooper!  And what a big boy!  Doesn't he look so grown up in this photo?!

1 comment:

  1. Awww, this just made me a little teary. I'm not sure if it's because he is trying so hard or because he looks so grown up....Miss you guys and hope to see you soon. Maybe I'll pop by for a visit between Christmas and New Years.

