Sunday, June 12, 2011


On Friday we hit up Disneyland.  Our goal was to go on Thursday, but we were a bit under the Friday it was.  It was also more busy being a day before a weekend.  But, we were able to hit up some rides with Jackson!  We did the Buz Lightyear ride, the flying rocket ship, Peter Pan. Little Mermaid, and some fun stuff at the A Bug's Life area!  All in all it was far more productive than last time...but was also one long day!  On our way out, we hit up our favorite restaurant (for the atmosphere!) - The Rainforest Cafe!

Our favorite part was when Jackson got to meet Pluto and Pluto was SO awesome with him!  We were trying to get Jackson to stand with him, but as soon as we backed away - that was not going to happen!  So Pluto got on all fours with him!  PERFECT!


  1. Haha i love the one with Pluto with both of them on all fours! Very Cute!!

    Auntie Caitlin

  2. OMG I love the fact that Pluto got down to Jackson's level!!! that is awesome and a great picture.

    Looks like the little man might be feeling a bit better :)

