Saturday, April 30, 2011

Tiny Confession

I was FAR MORE INTO the Royal Wedding than I had expected!  I thought I didn't care at all - and then all of a sudden I was hooked on everything Royal Wedding related on TV the day before!

I may not have set my alarm for 3 AM - but I did watch the Royal Wedding - and I do LOVE these two!  I loved her dress, the little moments between them, and looking at Prince Harry (haha).  I think they are going to change what it means to be "Royalty" and I hope they are as genuine as they seem!  

One day the girl next door,  then next day - a PRINCESS!

Thanks Nicole for indulging with me!  I wasn't as committed as you - but enjoyed it just the same!

1 comment:

  1. Well, any time you need someone to indulge in something as fun as the Royal Wedding with you, I'm your girl! I can't believe you blew my cover on the internet! Did you take that picture of Wills & Kate???
